Address to Central Land Council - Uluru

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

Can I thank you for the welcome onto your country.

It is one of the great honours my life to be involved in this campaign.

I came here after I became leader of the Labor Party and committed right here with Linda Burney to hold a referendum in our first term for a constitutionally enshrined Voice to our Parliament, and that is what we are doing.

I thank the dancers for sharing your culture, the oldest continuous culture on earth, with those of us who are privileged to share this great island continent of ours with the oldest continuous culture on earth.

And I particularly enjoyed the last dance, a new dance, which is about Yes, the women holding the sticks representing the burden of the Yes campaign.

The burden of feeling that weight of history which is upon us, with the opportunity we have to lift that burden of history and the rising of it - above their heads - symbolising strength and rising to the occasion.

And I believe that Australia can rise to the occasion between now on October 14th.

We have just four days now in which Australia can be an enlarged country.

A country at peace with our history. A country more unified.

A country able to move forward, in the words of the Uluru Statement itself, walking together for that better future.

Your challenge here has given Australia a true masterpiece, an artwork that is every bit as powerful as the words that it surrounds and every bit as generous as the statement that it completes.

The most beautiful thing about this painting and about the words that are there in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, is that there is room left for all Australians to be a part of this painting, to be a part of the picture.

The Australian story is 65,000 years old, and we have an opportunity to write the next chapter in the coming days.

On Saturday the first Australians have a hand outstretched to us, to non-Indigenous Australia, a hand of friendship just asking to be grasped so that we can move forward to that better future together.

On Saturday, all Australians can bring the beauty of this artwork to life with a pencil by just writing three letters: Y-E-S. Yes.

That will bring this artwork to life and will ensure that all of our lives are enriched if the Australian people take up this opportunity.

So, I thank you for the invitation, as it says.

And I've been very proud to walk with you and to accept that invitation, I thank you so much.