Annastacia Palaszczuk

Media statement
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister of Australia

Annastacia Palaszczuk contacted me this morning to inform me of her decision to resign as Premier of Queensland. 

She retires as a Labor hero, a three time election winner, Australia's longest-serving female Premier and - above all else - a champion for Queenslanders. 

From the moment she made history with her extraordinary 2015 election victory, Annastacia Palaszczuk has served Queensland with fierce pride in her state and a powerful determination to deliver for people. 

Annastacia’s leadership brought Queensland Labor back from the political brink and on so many occasions since then her Government has put Queensland in a position of national leadership. 

Under Annastacia, Queensland has set the standard for progress on workers’ rights, rebuilding public hospitals and strengthening public TAFE, helping regional communities seize the opportunities of renewable energy and protecting the precious treasures of Australia’s national environment. 

At National Cabinet, Annastacia was a Queenslander first, second and third but her experience, her leadership and her ability to find common ground so often helped drive action across the Commonwealth. 

So much of her legacy, in everything from housing and skills to hospital funding and the NDIS, reflects the strength of her Labor values and her conviction and confidence on the national stage. Just last week, she helped drive new action on a National Firearms Register, to guard against another tragedy like Wieambilla. 

When the world turns its eyes to the 2032 Brisbane Olympics, so much of what they see in that vibrant and prosperous setting will reflect the vision and ambition of Annastacia Palaszczuk. 

Annastacia leaves office rightly proud of all she has achieved and – as ever – thinking of what is best for Queensland and its future. I wish her all the very best for her future.