Have your say on the National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy

Media release
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

The Government is developing a National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy to make sure we can provide sustainable, high quality care and support for Australians into the future and to make sure the people providing these services have decent jobs. 

Public consultation on the draft strategy is now open.

We are encouraging carers, the care and support workforce, people who receive care and support and the broader community to have their say on the draft Strategy.

All of us will need care and support at some point in our lives. Whether it’s as children, people with disability getting the right support, those who served in our armed forces, or older Australians being guaranteed dignity and security. 

The Strategy focuses holistically on improving the quality of care and support jobs within four key sectors – early childhood education and care, disability support, veterans’ care and aged care. 

It also considers how we can make sure government investment in these sectors is as effective as it can be so that it supports Australians’ quality of life and our economic productivity and prosperity.

These sectors are growing contributors to our national economy, with demand for care and support services on the rise.

As they continue to grow, care and support sectors will be fundamental to providing jobs, supporting workforce participation and improving our national productivity.

Securing the future of the care and support economy will make sure Australians can receive the high quality services they need.

The draft strategy is the start of a national conversation about our vision and direction for the care and support economy. 

Have your say through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s website.

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Albanese

“Every Australian should have access to high quality care and support, and that means we need to invest in high quality jobs in this sector.

“The care and support workforce is integral to the Australian economy, particularly as demand for aged care and early education services is on the rise.

“The Australian Government is committed setting a new direction for this sector through an accessible and sustainable care and support economy.

“To do this, we need to hear from those directly impacted by it. I encourage people to have their say on the draft Strategy so we can ensure it reflects the needs of the community.”