Opening Griffith Regional Sports Complex

Griffith, NSW
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet. I pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging.

It’s fantastic to be in Griffith today to open this magnificent new sports complex.

I know it’s been in the works for a long time, so today’s a proud day – and I’m delighted to be sharing it with you.

This new complex offers so much.

Brand new basketball and netball courts.

A new athletics track, grandstand, hockey pitch and Olympic-size pool.

State-of-the-art facilities – for budding sports stars, as well as social players.

For locals to use every week, and for the wider region to flock to for big events.

For everyone in and around Griffith to join in what’s being called the ‘Green and Gold Decade’ – the 10 years of major sporting events that Australia will host between now and the Brisbane Olympics and Paralympics.

So many kids who play sport will be dreaming about Brisbane 2032.

I hope we see some of them up on the podium in 10 years’ time.

And I can see this new sports complex being a stepping stone on some of those journeys, and a hub for this community.

This Government knows how important community infrastructure is, particularly in regional Australia.

That’s why in our Budget this week we announced $1 billion for two new programs.

Our Growing Regions Program will support community infrastructure like this one that enhances liveability and supports prosperity.

And through our Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program, we’ll work with states and local councils to invest in larger scale place-based projects aimed at transforming regional and rural centres.

We’re doing this because we want to drive regional economic prosperity by providing equitable and fair access to funding for capital works for community and economic infrastructure.

And we are doing this because we want to improve quality of life for all Australians.

Sport can play a big part in that.

I love that you’ve made today a ‘come-and-try’ day.

Have a go on the court.

Get out on the pitch.

Jump in the pool.

Come and get involved.

That, to me, is the essence of community sport.

Everyone pitching in – on and off the field.

Everyone feeling like they belong, and they’re part of something bigger.

Sport teaches us the value of practice and persistence.

Team sport teaches the power of working together.

We grow through heartbreaking losses and euphoric wins.

I’m so proud of Australia’s sportspeople and coaches.

People like Evonne Goolagong Cawley – who was born right here in Griffith and grew up in Barellan.

Evonne didn’t start with much – just a homemade racquet and a second-hand ball.

The attitudes of the day meant that as a young Wirudjuri girl, she couldn’t play in the club with the other kids.

But she overcame, and went on to win 14 Grand Slam titles – at the Australian Open, the French Open, and Wimbledon.

All her life, she’s set an example of extraordinary sportsmanship, and worked tirelessly to create opportunities for Indigenous people.

Our Australian of the Year, Dylan Alcott, is another tremendous example of a sportsman who gives his all, and also gives back to the community.

As are all the sporting stars who are here today – from the GWS Giants, the Sydney Kings, the Sydney Flames, the Hockeyroos, and the Kookaburras – who are fresh from their 7th consecutive Commonwealth Games gold medal!

Congratulations to everyone who’s worked hard to make this vision a reality.

It's my very great pleasure to officially open the Griffith Regional Sports Complex.

I know it will be home to big dreams and wonderful memories.