Our voices from the heart

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

I keep a copy of the Uluru Statement from the Heart on the wall of my office in Parliament.

One page. Such economy of words, such generosity of spirit:

“When we have power over our destiny, our children will flourish.

They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country.”

The Uluru Statement from the Heart is a gift to our country, an invitation to all Australians.

And the referendum is the response to that invitation – to say Yes to recognition.

Yes to that in the form of a non-binding advisory group. Because listening will result in better outcomes.

A plan for positive change: so the next generation of Indigenous Australians can live a better life.

Gracious, generous, optimistic - and practical.

All those qualities are reflected in the two extraordinary women speaking to you tonight.

Professor Megan Davis and Aunty Pat Anderson have dedicated their lives to tackling the disadvantage that confronts too many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The gaps in life expectancy, in health, in employment and education. The gaps that deny Indigenous Australians the opportunity to make a good life for themselves.

Megan and Pat have given everything to this cause: their heart and soul, their advocacy and intellect, their experience and empathy - and their courage too.

Staying patient through some bizarre conspiracy theories and standing strong in the face of some shocking personal attacks.

They persevere because this campaign matters - to them, to us, to the future of Australia.

And the best way we can honour their courage and the courage of all the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have championed this cause over generations is to get out there and have a conversation.

Talk to the millions of people who still haven’t made up their mind: your neighbours, your colleagues, your friends.

That’s how we can win this referendum – by making every conversation count.

By making it clear that there is no downside to voting Yes, only upside.

There is nothing for Australia to fear, nothing to lose – but so much for us to gain.