Radio interview - ABC Gold Coast

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister of Australia

TOM FORBES, HOST: Now, the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is on the Gold Coast this morning. He's making an announcement at a pharmacy conference in just about 25 minutes time. I spoke with him a short time ago and asked him why he's here on the coast.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: We're on the Gold Coast speaking to the pharmacists’ convention. Thousands of them have gathered there on the Gold Coast and we've got a really important announcement which is we will be reducing the cost of medicines to $25 maximum that are listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme. This will deliver cheaper medicines for Australians. The last time that PBS medicines cost no more than $25 was way back in 2004. This will save families hundreds of dollars every year.

FORBES: The cost at the moment is over $30. What sort of impost is that going to put on the Australian taxpayer to reduce it to $25?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, it will cost over the forward estimates, some $689 million over the next four years. That's a direct saving, of course, for Australians. We cut the cost of medicines in 2023 from $42.50 down to $30. Now we're making this further cost to provide a benefit for people who need these medicines and to make sure as well that we put that downward pressure on inflation. So, we're providing cost of living relief, but in a way that also puts downward pressure on inflation.

FORBES: A federal election is looming. You haven't called it yet. Can we expect to see yourself and your ministers on the Gold Coast during that election campaign, given it's a traditionally blue area?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, I'll be there today and I was there last week. So, this is my second visit in the last fortnight to the Gold Coast. And you can expect to see me right around the country along with ministers when the election campaign is on. I'm determined to represent all Australians, not just some. And that means standing up on areas of growth such as the Gold Coast. And my record in politics is one of delivering for the Gold Coast, whether it be the Gold Coast light rail line that began when I was the Infrastructure Minister, opposed by the LNP, or whether it be the largest funding for community infrastructure we put into the stadium there to get it ready for the Commonwealth Games, or the improvements in the Gold Coast foreshore, or the bike track or many other programs as well, including the Urgent Care Clinic that we have there on the Gold Coast providing health care and getting that support for people.

FORBES: Prime Minister, we've got a lot of so-called 'teal independents' running in the three large Gold Coast federal seats. Do you see them as a major threat?

PRIME MINISTER: My job is to represent the country as Prime Minister. When the election's on I of course will be advocating for a vote for the Labor Party. But it's not surprising that many people we've seen have walked away from the Liberal Party, have been traditional supporters, because the Liberal Party has become more and more right wing, particularly under Peter Dutton. And that trend is leaving a void there where many Liberal Party voters historically feel that the Liberal Party is abandoned, to them.

FORBES: One more question, Prime Minister. Light rail, the final stage is from Burley to Coolangatta Airport. It's not funded yet, there's no business case but there is a suggestion that the state government could look at introducing metro buses instead of light rail for that last stage to reduce the cost. Do you think that that is a good idea to save money or would you like to see light rail run all the way to the border?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, there were five stages envisaged with the Infrastructure Australia report on Gold Coast light rail from the very beginning. It's something that we funded, the first stage with $365 million from memory, a long time ago. It was opposed by the LNP at the time, state and federal and the truth is that it has served not just Gold Coast residents but all those people who visit the Gold Coast. And tourism is so important for that region, for jobs and for the economy. And so I think it's a very important project. The business case of course needs to be done first but I am a big supporter of the light rail project and always have been.

FORBES: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, thanks for your time.

PRIME MINISTER: Thanks very much.