Radio interview - HIT FM Regional Queensland with Cliffo &Bronte

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

BRONTE LANGBROEK, HOST: He is in Queensland. And he is one of our Instagram followers, Cliffo. You might be wondering who this is. It is Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. He joins us. Good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. How are you?

GUY CLIFTON, HOST: Albo, we're on our very best behaviour. Bronte's ironed her shirt this morning. I've had a shave. I kind of feel like this is like the boss is in town.

LANGBROEK: The boss of the boss of the boss.

PRIME MINISTER: It is okay. It's a phone. I can't see through it.

CLIFTON: I don't know.

PRIME MINISTER: I don't know. You could be in shorts with no shoes on. How would I know?

LANGBROEK: Well, I think Cliffo dressed inspired by you, because he revealed to me on the show this morning, Albo, that you're a fan of a band shirt. And he's wearing one today.

PRIME MINISTER: Absolutely. What has he got on?

LANGBROEK: What have you got on, Cliffo?

CLIFTON: Guns and Roses.

PRIME MINISTER: I am an Oils guy. I've got to say, I was very worried. I've been waiting there on hold. And I was thinking, 'I really hope they haven't got the song playing on HIT FM through this because it's really bad'. You need better hold music. It's this sort of, I don't know what it is, sort of poker, one finger on a keyboard thing. You are an FM station, you can do better than that.

LANGBROEK: I think when the Prime Minister tells us we need new hold music, we need it.

CLIFTON: I have been complaining about it for years.

PRIME MINISTER: It is a directive.

LANGBROEK: All right. Put it on the list.

CLIFTON: The reason we were able to get you on, not just a bag our hold music, but you're actually in Queensland at the moment. And we have to point out the timing is very suspect because it's very well-known you are a Souths tragic. And they are taking on the Broncos. So, was that just a nice little coincidental 'Better get to Queensland because they're playing at Suncorp on Friday'?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, tragically, I'll be crying tomorrow afternoon as I fly out of Brisbane.


PRIME MINISTER: It's a shocker. There I am in Brisbane tomorrow for National Cabinet hosted by Annastacia, and I'll be at the meeting, I'll do a press conference and then fly out. It is just bad planning.

LANGBROEK: Bad time management. You got to talk to the Chief of Staff. You're the boss, you can change that.

PRIME MINISTER: Well, it's a busy time in the lead-up to the Budget. And National Cabinet has been scheduled for some time. And I'll miss out. And I'll miss out on Magic Round as well. I'm going to the King's Coronation.

LANGBROEK: Oh my goodness.

PRIME MINISTER: It will be a great honour. But I know that Brisbane will be buzzing next weekend. And it is such a fantastic initiative. I went a few years ago and that was just awesome to see everyone walking around in their footy jumpers. Of course, there's always a Random Souths Guy whether the Souths are playing or not.

LANGBROEK: You guys stick together. So, you're heading over to the Coronation. That's very exciting. Is there an expectation? Do you have to bring anything? Do you have to bring a gift?

PRIME MINISTER: We actually have. I signed off on a gift to the King this week, which is a donation, I don't think I can say in advance, but from the nation to a charity in his name. So, it's a nice thing.

LANGBROEK: An Aussie charity?

PRIME MINISTER: It's an environmental charity based here in Australia. So, it's a nice thing. to do. And that will be that the King's gift approved by the Palace.


CLIFTON: That's great. And that's his bag too, like environmental causes and whatnot. It was also announced yesterday that a heap of world leaders are coming down under in a month's time for a big, you know, big shindig, a soiree in Sydney. Joe Biden amongst them.

PRIME MINISTER: It is going to be huge.

CLIFTON: How do you go with, you're a world leader now, but how do you go with the likes of your Bidens and meeting Kings? There's some pretty decent name drops there.

PRIME MINISTER: I get on really well with Joe Biden. He's a really down-to-earth guy. He's a working-class fellow, Catholic background, Catholic-Irish background. I'm half Catholic-Irish, half Italian. So, you don't have to guess what religion I was raised with. We get on very well. And he's a very personable guy. And I really look forward to welcoming them. It'll be a great opportunity to showcase Australia to the world.

LANGBROEK: And a good place to do it as well, the Opera House. As I mentioned at the beginning, Albo, someone pointed out to me that you actually follow us, Cliffo and Bronte, on Instagram.


LANGBROEK: Thank you so much.

PRIME MINISTER: I don't follow many people.

LANGBROEK: We very much appreciate it. Are you a scroller? Do you go through and watch our funny videos and things? Just say yes.

PRIME MINISTER: Yes, I do. But you can get caught on Instagram, I reckon, with, you just flip up and you end up looking at it for 10 minutes when you intended to look at it for 10 seconds.

CLIFTON: It's a rabbit hole.

PRIME MINISTER: I can get caught with that as well.

LANGBROEK: And you've got a much busier schedule than us. So, 10 minutes is a lot

PRIME MINISTER: I do, indeed. But it's quite good to just have a look at what is happening in the world in a way that isn't, you know, the front page of the Fin Review or The Australian. So, it's actually quite a good exercise sometimes to just engage and see what people out there are talking about.

CLIFTON: Our Prime Minister just passed off wasting time on Instagram as research.

PRIME MINISTER: It's worked.

CLIFTON: Albo, before we let you go, I told my nine year old daughter that you are going to be on our show today. And I don't know if we need to do some work on your branding or whatnot. But she does get a bit confused as to who you are and who the Prime Minister of Australia is. This is what went down yesterday.

CLIFTON: So, tomorrow we got the Prime Minister on.

DAUGHTER: Yes, yes, yes.

CLIFTON: Who you get confused.

DAUGHTER: So, I get confused with Donald Trump and Anthony Albanese.

CLIFTON: Do you remember which one is our Prime Minister?

CLIFTON: She didn't. Good company you keep though, Albo.

PRIME MINISTER: Only our parents can tell us apart. I think that's bad parenting.

CLIFTON: I will take that one to the grave, mate. Don't worry about it.

PRIME MINISTER: I'll be seeing the Queensland Premier today. And I'll have a word with her about the education system.

CLIFTON: Welcome to Queensland, mate. Can't be here for the Souths Broncos game on Friday night, unfortunately. But you are here for National Cabinet. Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, thank you for your time.

PRIME MINISTER: Great to talk with you guys. Have a great day.