Radio interview - Triple M Townsville

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister of Australia

KATE JEBOULT, HOST: We have literally rolled out the big guns. The biggest gun in Australia, it is the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. Good morning, Albo.

PRIME MINISTER: It is absolutely wonderful to be here in Townsville. It's a little bit warmer than Canberra, I've got to say.

JEBOULT: It's a bit toasty, isn't it?

PRIME MINISTER: Just a lovely day. It's great to be here.

GUY CLIFTON, HOST: Can I just say, I'm a little bit disappointed that you're not wearing a book week costume, unless you've dressed up as a Prime Minister?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, I think that might look a bit odd at the Bush summit, where I'll be later on, but I'll bear that in mind next time.

JEBOULT: Albo, we've just found out something quite funny. That your EA, Jodie, happens to be turning 40 today. And it is our very own Jodie here that's also turning 40. What a strange coincidence.

PRIME MINISTER: It is absolutely unbelievable. Yeah. My Belle, who's my Executive Assistant who's here. Jodie here is my second favourite Jodie having a birthday. The resident here, given that I'm engaged to my Jodie. And it's unbelievable that they were born on the first day. So, I'm trying to convince Belle that we've put all this on for her as a Townsville welcome.

CLIFTON: Tell us a little bit about the Bush Summit and why you're in Townsville.

PRIME MINISTER: Well, the Bush Summit is a gathering of people throughout not just this region, but from regions all around Australia. It's something done by NewsCorp every year, and it's a fantastic opportunity not just to speak and talk about what we're doing in regional Australia to create jobs and to lift pressures on cost of living and other measures, but also to hear from people and to get that interaction. But we're also here to make a commitment to fix Reef HQ, to bring it back. It's been shut, as you know, since 2019. It didn't have enough money allocated, so today we've added $100 million. So, the total federal contribution will be $180 million. This is so important for Townsville, not just for the residents and for the research that takes place there, but also for visitors to this great city.

JEBOULT: It is. Reef HQ has been such an important part of our community and I think there will be a lot of people that are so happy that it is coming back. You know, job creation and all that sort of stuff as well. Albo, while you are in town, you're doing the bush summit. A couple other things. Are you planning to sort of get out and see a little bit of Townsville whilst you are here?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, I'm a regular visitor.

CLIFTON: Driveways. Just random people's driveways.

PRIME MINISTER: Random driveways here in Mundingburra. Well, I've been a regular visitor, of course, to Townsville. This is my 34th visit to Queensland, including 14 to the regions. So, I was in Townsville to announce our candidate, Edwina Andrew, just last month and I expect I'll be back here many times again. We did the announcement out at the Port, and the Port access road is a great example of infrastructure here and investment that's led to literally thousands and tens of thousands of jobs being created. And there’s such a great future for Townsville with the diversification that's happening with new manufacturing industries coming here. We were here earlier this year as well to announce it as a hydrogen hub and the funding there. So, there's so much. I'm really excited about Townsville's future. And of course, the Cowboys, unlike my Rabbitohs, are going to be in the finals.

CLIFTON: Funny you mentioned that. Being a North Queenslander for the next couple of days, we have got you something. If you are going to be a North Queenslander, you have to do it in style. So, there's a signed North Queensland Cowboys hat, just for you to keep that melon nice and protected with the right NRL team for once.

PRIME MINISTER: Awesome. Well, I was there at the NRL Hall of Fame on Wednesday night.

JEBOULT: Oh, our very own JT got inducted.

PRIME MINISTER: I was chatting with him, congratulating him on being elevated into the Hall of Fame. And isn't that deserved? I think that he may well be a future immortal.

CLIFTON: And, of course, Ron Coote.

PRIME MINISTER: The great Ron Coote.

CLIFTON: The Great Ron Coote, South Sydney Rabbitohs great. You got to induct him as an immortal. As a South Sydney fan, what a thrill.

PRIME MINISTER: I was there, I'm showing my age here, I was there in 1971. My mum took me to the hill as a very little boy to watch him play a big part in beating St George in that grand final.

JEBOULT: Sam Burgess as well got inducted into the Hall of Fame.

PRIME MINISTER: Sammy came all the way from the UK for the announcement. He was there with his mum Julie. It was a great night.

CLIFTON: I think we've met our Rabbitohs quota for the year with you there, Albo. There's a bit more Triple M merch for you. What we're going to do is we're going to go to - 

PRIME MINISTER: I will point out that GI also got into the Hall of Fame.

JEBOULT: Get another in there, that's fine.

PRIME MINISTER: Just slip that in but of course, he's a Queenslander from Bowraville.

JEBOULT: Now, Albo, can you stick around for a little while? We're hoping that you might be able to do the pressure test with us. It's going to be 10 questions. Producer Beck Lambert has actually written the questions. I don't know whether she's gone easy on you or not this morning.

CLIFTON: We’ve got to give the Prime Minister a hard time, although it is for charity. So, we're going to go to song. We'll do that next.

CLIFTON: And this is a Cliffo and Kate first. We are doing a celebrity pressure test with none other than the Prime Minister of the nation, Anthony Albanese, as we do it live for Cliffo and Kate’s Live in Your Drive.

JEBOULT: He just tried to peek at my sheet. He just tried to have a little look at the questions and the answers.

PRIME MINISTER: To be fair, I asked Kyle here to look over your shoulder and help me out.

JEBOULT: Well, look, there's 10 questions. It's a very special pressure test because every single question that you get right, we're going to donate $100 to Althea Projects, which is a wonderful North Queensland charity. So, there's 10 questions. If you get all 10 correct, that's $1,000 going to Althea Projects. I know it's early in the morning, but have you got your thinking cap on, Albo?

PRIME MINISTER: I don't know about that, but I have got a coffee here.

JEBOULT: Okay, good.

PRIME MINISTER: That should help.

CLIFTON: We’ve just got to say, shout out to Dave from Copper to Coffee. He makes a good brew, Albo.

PRIME MINISTER: It is fantastic coffee. Thank you, Dave.

CLIFTON: All right, here's how it works, Albo. It's 10 questions, 60 seconds, $100 for every one you get, right. We'll give to Althea Projects. No help from the background, we are watching. But 60 seconds on the clock. Are you ready to go?

PRIME MINISTER: I'm ready to go.

CLIFTON: It is the pressure test.

PRIME MINISTER: This is like my Friday question time.

JEBOULT: At the pub in Marrickville, potentially. All right, you ready?


CLIFTON: All right, 60 seconds on the clock. Good luck, Albo. Your time starts now, Albo.

JEBOULT: Albo, in which State or Territory does the Australian parliament meet?


JEBOULT: Which NRL team is currently 15th on the NRL ladder?

PRIME MINISTER: Oh, that's a cruel one. South Sydney.

JEBOULT: Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia?

PRIME MINISTER: Julia Gillard.

JEBOULT: What is Australia's oldest political party?

PRIME MINISTER: Australian Labor party.

JEBOULT: How many levels of government are there?


JEBOULT: How old must you be in Australia to vote?


JEBOULT: How do Australians vote to change the Constitution.

PRIME MINISTER: Through a referendum.

JEBOULT: Spell Albanese.


JEBOULT: Which Prime Minister set a beer drinking world record?


JEBOULT: Kangaroo and what other animal is on the Australian coat of arms?

PRIME MINISTER: Emu. And neither of them can go backwards.

JEBOULT: Is that right?


JEBOULT: Anthony Albanese. That's 10 out of 10. That is $1,000 being donated to Althea Projects. Did you notice there was a little bit of a theme with those questions there?

PRIME MINISTER: I did. That's awesome. And I'll chuck in $100 of my own.

JEBOULT: That's really lovely. Thanks, Albo.

CLIFTON: Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Anthony Albanese.

JEBOULT: Albo, thank you for joining us. It's been a wonderful morning. Hey, this is a bit better than being locked in a studio in a Bush Summit though, isn't it?

PRIME MINISTER: Absolutely. And big shout out to Jodie for opening up her home here on her birthday.

CLIFTON: What a fantastic morning. Thank you so much for coming down. And enjoy the Bush Summit, enjoy our beautiful region for the next couple of days and we'll see at the rest of these, mate. I think there's another four or five to go.