Remarks - Melbourne

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister of Australia
The Hon Ben Carroll MP
Acting Premier of Victoria

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: This is an opportunity to say thank you to the extraordinary personnel who are helping their fellow Victorians here. This wonderful facility is able to make sure that the coordination occurs across agencies. And you'll see increased Federal involvement here as well. Today, we've signed off on a commitment to provide further support to Victorians as a result of this flood event that continues to unfold. Support in terms of the emergency and hardship payments being made to individuals and families, to assist communities in their time of need. But also support for local councils who are doing the work on the ground, to make sure that communities can be made more resilient. At the worst of times, we see the best of the Australian character. And we're seeing that from people at this centre. But importantly as well, we're seeing it from people on the ground, whether they be the emergency personnel, or, of course, our wonderful volunteers who always just help out their fellow Australians. And this is a really difficult time. It will be traumatic for people in places like Rochester, who just a couple of years ago, went through another severe weather event. So, we stand with Victorians. It's good to be here with the Acting Premier, here this afternoon. And we'll be providing whatever support is requested to make sure that people aren't left behind. Because that's something that characterises both the Victorian Government and the Australian Government's approach. But it's also what Australians expect and deserve.

BEN CARROLL, ACTING PREMIER OF VICTORIA: Thanks, Prime Minister. It really is wonderful to have you here at the State Emergency Centre, meeting with all the frontline agencies that are working 24/7, around the clock in response to the unprecedented Victorian floods. We really do welcome the Prime Minister's announcement of support, particularly for those flood affected areas. It will go a long way, Prime Minister, that support to helping local government areas, to helping families, children. Sadly, this isn't your first time to the State Emergency Centre, Prime Minister. You've been here before. And we do know that it is unprecedented to have these weather events so close together here in Victoria. And we're doing everything we can to support those families. And the collaboration and the close working relationship we've had with the Commonwealth is really, really something we thank you for. We deeply appreciate you coming here today to the State Emergency Centre. Your flight from Queensland today, it really goes a long way meeting the frontline staff. And your announcement today is something we wholeheartedly welcome. Thank you.