Remarks at Port Lincoln community reception

Marina Hotel, Port Lincoln
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.

I'm delighted to be in Port Lincoln and very grateful to everyone who has made me so welcome here today.

You live in a special part of Australia, the tens of thousands of tourists you attract each year speak for the beauty of this place and I'm sure the quality of the seafood.

Your community isn't just a magnet for visitors, it's also an engine of our national prosperity.

For most of Australia's modern history, we used to talk about being at the mercy of 'the tyranny of distance'.

When those whalers and fishermen were here in the 19th Century, they must have felt completely cut-off from the world.

But a wave of economic growth in our region has completely turned that on its head.

Port Lincoln is now recognised as a gateway to some of the fastest-growing economies in human history and some of the biggest markets in the world.

And it's been a priority for me as Prime Minister, along with two great South Australians, Penny Wong and Don Farrell, to build and diversify the relationships we have in our region.

Greater diversity in what we trade and greater diversity in who we trade with.

And of course, alongside that, we've been working to stabilise our relationship with China.

The consistent, principled approach we've taken has seen trade impediments removed on things like barley and we will continue to advocate strongly for Australian beef, wine and lobster exporters.

The simple point I always make is that this is a win-win: it's in the best interests of Australian businesses to sell to this market and it's in the best interests of China to have access to the best quality products in the world, like Port Lincoln seafood.

One in 4 jobs in Australia depends on trade and that's only going to increase.

We're building the relationships overseas to support this and we're investing in the infrastructure and the energy and the skills here at home.

I promised to lead a government for all Australians, whoever they voted for, wherever they lived.

That means taking government out of Canberra and beyond the big cities.

Because you can't see the full picture from behind a desk in Parliament House.

You've got to make the time to get out there and talk to locals, to listen to communities, to hear directly from people about the challenges and the opportunities.

I'm proud to lead a Government with a sense of purpose, a Government focused on getting things done.

From day one, we've worked to strike the balance between dealing with immediate pressures and building for long-term opportunities.

Helping people with the day-to-day, cheaper medicine, cheaper childcare, strengthening Medicare, energy bill relief, while always keeping an eye on the future.

And I know that we'll always do better when we listen to locals, when we work with communities, when you can build on the strengths of places like Port Lincoln.

Thanks for having me, I look forward to hearing from you.