Radio interview - KIIS FM with Kyle and Jackie O

KYLE SANDILANDS, HOST: Good morning, Prime Minister. How are you, sir?

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning from the Lodge in Canberra.

JACQUELINE LAST, HOST: Canberra, hey. What's on the agenda today?

PRIME MINISTER: We've got a big defence announcement today, the Defence Strategic Review. That's basically, what are the assets we need to defend Australia and where do we need to place them? So, that’s the announcement today.

Release of the Defence Strategic Review

Today the Albanese Government has released the public version of the Defence Strategic Review (the Review), the Government’s response to the Review, and the National Defence Statement 2023.

Commissioned in the first 100 days of Government, the Review sets the agenda for ambitious, but necessary, reform to Defence’s posture and structure.

The Government’s response to the Review sets out a blueprint for Australia’s strategic policy, defence planning and resourcing over the coming decades.

Press conference - Parliament House, Canberra

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Thanks very much for joining us. We're here today to launch the Defence Strategic Review which we'll be releasing an unclassified version of here today. And I'm joined today of course by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, the Minister for Defence Industry and Minister for International Development and the Pacific, our Chief of the Defence Force, and the Secretary of the Department of Defence. National security is the most solemn responsibility of any Australian Government.

Anzac Day Dawn Service

We gather before the dawn because they did.
Picture those first Anzacs. Far from home, huddled in their boats, waiting, wondering.
Lance Corporal James Bell of the 9th Battalion would later recall sailors lined up on one of the battleships and giving a muted cheer, waving their caps in a circle and “uttering a subdued whisper, barely audible to those in the boats”.

Australia to host Quad Leaders' Summit

On 24 May Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will host the 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit in Sydney.

It will be the first time Australia has hosted the Quad Leaders’ Summit, and follows the Prime Minister’s attendance at the Quad Leaders’ Summit in Tokyo in May 2022. It will be the third in-person Quad Leaders’ Summit.

The Prime Minister looks forward to welcoming his Quad counterparts to Australia for the Summit. These visits build on the meetings the Prime Minister has already had with Prime Minister Modi, Prime Minister Kishida, and President Biden.

Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate

Thank you Mr President for your leadership and for bringing us together today. I’m indeed delighted to join you from Australia this evening.

Strong climate action is at the very top of my Government’s agenda and it is a clear priority for the Australian people.

We are moving swiftly to drive down emissions and seize the opportunities of the global net zero transformation.

Already, within our first year of Government, we’ve enshrined new climate targets in law for the first time, providing certainty and stability to drive investment.

Doorstop - Bankstown, Sydney

JASON CLARE, MINISTER FOR EDUCATION: Well, thanks for coming along to Bankstown, boss. Great to have you in my neck of the woods on a beautiful Friday morning here at Uniting Care. And I want to thank the Uniting team for welcoming us here again, I was here only just last week talking about child care, talking about something which is so important for mums and dads all across the country, including about 100,000 families right here in Western Sydney.