TV Interview with Erin Molan

ERIN MOLAN, HOST: Prime Minister, first of all, thank you so much for sitting down with me.


MOLAN: Give yourself a score out of a hundred for your first one hundred days.

PRIME MINISTER: Well, I'm not a commentator, so there's no right answer to that. I'll leave that to others. But I'm pleased with how the government is going. I think in the first hundred days, all you can do is set a tone.

Building for a better future - National Press Club

I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.

And I’m proud to lead a government advancing the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

The great privilege, the great opportunity and the solemn responsibility of government is putting our ambition for the country into action.

Converting the promises of a campaign, into the progress of a nation.

Writing our vision for Australia’s future into the laws of the land.

Q&A, National Press Club

LAURA TINGLE, NATIONAL PRESS CLUB PRESIDENT: I'm sure that my colleagues are going to ask a lot of questions for you about industrial relations and the Jobs Summit. But just taking up a couple of the points you made just now, particularly about the importance of aged care workers, childcare workers, teachers, nurse in the health system, and noting how essential they've been, and how exhausted they must be: the Andrews Government announced measures overnight to free new nursing trainees from HECS obligations.

Radio Interview - 2SM

RICHARD KING, HOST: Anthony Albanese, our Prime Minister, is on the line. Good morning Prime Minister.

PRIME MINISTER ANTHONY ALBANESE: Good morning Richard, good to chat.

KING: Likewise, thank you very much for your time. Busy week, the Jobs and Skills Summit coming up, National Cabinet meeting tomorrow and your first appearance at the National Press Club, yesterday, since being elected. You were talking about your first one hundred days in office, what do you see as the main achievement of your first one hundred days, Prime Minister?

Daily Telegraph Bush Summit - Griffith

It’s always an honour to speak at the Bush Summit. And it’s a particular pleasure to come to Griffith for the first time as Prime Minister.

This summit is a valuable initiative in the life of the nation and I thank Ben English and The Daily Telegraph for it.

Anything that brings us closer together as a nation is a good thing.

Our common ground will always be the most fertile place to plant our hopes and enhance our future.

I see a better future for all Australians.

Biodiversity certificates to increase native habitat and support Australian landholders

The Albanese Labor Government has today announced the creation of a biodiversity certificates scheme.

The scheme recognises landholders who restore or manage local habitat and grants them biodiversity certificates which can then be sold to other parties.

This will operate in a similar way to our current carbon crediting legislation.

The scheme will make it easier for businesses, organisations and individuals to invest in landscape restoration and management.

NSW to benefit from $75 million Commonwealth investment in flood mitigation

The Albanese Government has today announced a $75 million investment in flood mitigation and infrastructure resilience programs for New South Wales.

The support will be delivered across the 62 local government areas (LGAs) which were disaster-declared after the February-March flood event.

The program is wholly funded by the Commonwealth Government’s Emergency Response Fund, but will be delivered by New South Wales Government agencies, including Resilience NSW, the Department of Regional NSW and the Department of Planning and Environment.

The program includes:

Establishment of Inquiry into the appointment of the Hon Scott Morrison MP to multiple departments

Today we announce that the Government has appointed the Hon Virginia Bell AC to lead an Inquiry into the appointment of former Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, to administer departments other than the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and related matters. 

The Solicitor General found that the principles of responsible government were fundamentally undermined by the actions of the former Morrison Government. The Government is holding the Inquiry to restore and strengthen public trust in our Australian democracy.

Press Conference - Sydney

PRIME MINISTER ANTHONY ALBANESE: : Good afternoon. The government has established an inquiry into the appointment of former Prime Minister Scott Morrison to administer various ministerial portfolios. The inquiry will be led by the Honourable Virginia Bell AC. Virginia Bell was appointed to the High Court of Australia in 2009 and served for twelve years.