Television interview - Sky Newsday

KIERAN GILBERT, HOST: Prime Minister, thank you very much for your time.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning Kieran, good to be with you.

GILBERT: This week, you've got your MPs coming back for a special caucus on Wednesday. Can you give our viewers a sense of what your, what's your message going to be to them when they gather here?

Australians save $250 million thanks to Albanese Government cheaper medicines

Australians have saved $250 million on cheaper medicines in 2023 thanks to the Albanese Government.

Changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the introduction of 60-day prescriptions are working to reduce everyday costs for Australians.

On 1 January 2023, for the first time in the 75-year history of the PBS, the Albanese Government lowered the maximum cost of prescription medications listed on the PBS saving Australians more than $240 million in 2023.

Radio interview - ABC Radio Sydney

SARAH MACDONALD, HOST: The Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, is with me in the studio on ABC Radio Sydney. Good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning, great to be here.

MACDONALD: We just heard something about your electorate and that is that it could be ten tonnes of contaminated mulch at Rozelle Parklands. It's closed already, as soon as it opened. We've been covering this story. What's your response?

Doorstop - Frankston

JODIE BELYEA, LABOR CANDIDATE FOR DUNKLEY: Well good morning everyone and welcome to Dunkley. I'm Jodie Belyea and I am the Labor candidate for the Dunkley by-election. I'm really excited to be here today speaking to you all with the Prime Minister. So, Frankston Urgent Care Clinic is a new initiative in this area, that's about bringing nurses and doctors together to provide urgent care for families and people in the community to have their medical needs met.

Radio interview - Hit Hobart 100.9FM

DAN TAYLOR, HOST: We're in the studio with the 31st Prime Minister of Australia. Please join us, the Honourable Anthony Albanese, welcome. Good to have you back.

CHRISTIE HAYES, HOST: Good morning, Prime Minister.


TAYLOR: Welcome back.

PRIME MINISTER: Wonderful to be here, back in the studio again.

TAYLOR: How are you feeling?

Radio interview - Triple M Hobart

ANDY TAYLOR, HOST: We are very, very pleased to have a special guest joining us in the studio this morning, Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese. Prime Minister, good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Wonderful to be here in the studio.

TAYLOR: Well for starters, I better put your microphone on.

PRIME MINISTER: I reckon the interview will go better if it’s two way rather than just one.

TAYLOR: If you can talk.

Queensland Government's Olympic infrastructure review

The Albanese Government welcomes the review by the Queensland Government of 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic venues Master Plan.

We understand global conditions are resulting in cost and labour market pressure for all jurisdictions. These have been evident in the construction sector, and it is a good time to review plans to ensure current and likely future conditions are taken into account.

Doorstop - Hobart

LUKE MARTIN, CEO SALMON TASMANIA: Thanks, folks for hanging around, and I just explained with the Prime Minister, in about an hour's time there will be beautiful blue skies and the Tassie summer. Look, my name is Luke Martin, I'm the Chief Executive of Salmon Tasmania which is the industry association that represents the three world class Tasmanian salmon producers in the state, Huon Aquaculture, Petuna, and of course Tassal, where we are here today.

Press conference - Adelaide

LOUISE MILLER-FROST, MEMBER FOR BOOTHBY: Welcome, everybody. I'm Louise Miller-Frost, I'm the member for Boothby and it is my absolute honour to welcome all of you here, but particularly to welcome the Prime Minister here to the Tonsley Innovation Centre and particularly to TAFE SA at Tonsley. We also have the Minister for Education, Blair Boyer, and my dear friend Nadia Clancy, the member for Elder. This is a really fantastic day. TAFE has been absolutely going great guns. Fee free TAFE has been taken up so much in the local area.