Investing in a Future Made in Australia

Making our future here in Australia is about making the most of our nation’s potential and making sure everyone shares in the benefits. 

The 2024–25 Budget invests $22.7 billion over a decade to help Australia remain an indispensable part of the global economy as the world undergoes the biggest transformation since the industrial revolution.

The Government’s plan for a Future Made in Australia is central to this transformation. It is focused on encouraging and facilitating the private sector investment needed to make the most of this opportunity.

This agenda will help Australia build a stronger, more diversified and more resilient economy powered by clean energy, to create more secure, well-paid jobs and encourage and facilitate the private sector investment required to make the most of this opportunity.

This agenda will complement the Government’s broader growth agenda, including our competition reforms, investments in infrastructure, housing, human capital and defence industry, and support for small businesses.

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Attracting and enabling investment

We’re changing the way we attract and deploy investment. The Government is reforming investment settings, institutions and regulatory processes to attract and enable the investment Australia needs.

We’ll also legislate a Future Made in Australia Act and establish a National Interest Framework to identify priority industries and guide investments associated with these industries, to ensure they are responsible and targeted.

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Making Australia a renewable energy superpower

We’re making substantial investments to establish Australia as a renewable energy superpower. Maximising the opportunities of cheaper, cleaner, more reliable energy and the transformation to net zero are foundational in building a future made in Australia.

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Adding value to our resources and strengthening economic security

Critical minerals are a key input to many clean energy technologies. Scaling the supply of critical minerals will be essential for supporting the global transition to net zero by 2050. Australia can improve the resilience of supply chains and add more value to our resources by processing and refining critical minerals.

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Investing in people and places

Investing in people and places is central to a Future Made in Australia. The Future Made in Australia 2024-25 Budget package makes important investments in skills, training and education and provides support for communities and regions that are most impacted by the net zero transformation.

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