Condolence motion on Wieambilla

Mr Speaker, I move that the House record its deep regret at the death on December 12, 2022, of Constable Rachel McCrow, Constable Matthew Arnold and Mr Alan Dare.

Place on record its acknowledgement of their bravery and sacrifice in the line of duty, and tender our sympathy to their families in their bereavement.

Mr Speaker, Monday, 12 December should have been an ordinary summer's day on the Western Downs.

A day of warmth under that big blue sky.

A day of peace.

Instead, that quiet was shattered by the gunfire of an atrocity.

Appointment of new Secretary of the Department of Veterans' Affairs

I am pleased to announce I have recommended the Governor-General appoint Ms Alison Frame as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Ms Frame is currently Deputy Secretary, Social Policy, in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. She has been a senior public servant for both the Commonwealth and New South Wales governments in a range of complex service delivery and policy roles. Ms Frame brings significant experience working with stakeholders and leading staff to deliver positive outcomes for the community.

Press Conference - Kirribilli House, Sydney

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: National Cabinet met virtually today to discuss national priorities, and I want to thank the premiers and chief ministers for the ongoing constructive spirit in which they've engaged in discussions. Today was important. We heard from Professor Michael Kidd, the Acting Chief Medical Officer, about the ongoing issues dealing with COVID. We're moving towards managing these issues.

Radio Interview - ABC Sydney Breakfast with James Valentine

JAMES VALENTINE, HOST: The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joins us this morning, Prime Minister. Good morning.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Good morning. Good to be with you.

VALENTINE: How are you feeling? Are you over COVID?

PRIME MINISTER: Oh, I'm getting there. Last week was a difficult one earlier in the week. But I I'm feeling much better now, thank goodness.

VALENTINE: How did it effect you? It affects everyone, we all get it differently, don't we?

Prime Minister's Literary Awards celebrates creative excellence

The Prime Minister's Literary Awards recognises the best of Australian literature and celebrates writing as a valuable cultural and intellectual influence.

Today in Launceston, the 2022 award winners have been recognised for their contributions and literary talents.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the Awards highlighted the creativity and excellence of Australian literature.

"It is through great writing we are able to celebrate and build upon our cultural and creative identity," the Prime Minister said.